The Scanjet SC360APR, a robust Anti-pirate water cannon, effectively prevents unauthorized boardings. Driven by water flow, this adaptable machine can be installed permanently or used as a removable unit. It boasts multiple nozzles, enhancing its operational flexibility. Furthermore, the system includes an engaging Anti-pirate water cannon gun unit. Additionally, a turbine energizes the drive unit, and finally, a mounting rail bracket secures the entire assembly, ensuring both stability and security.

When choosing a pump, builders must think about its power, design, and the ship’s needs. The SC360APR can use the ship’s own pumps for energy. Its design is smart, allowing it to be set up as a fixed or movable piece. This flexibility lets the ship make the best use of what it has and save money.

Workers can change where the nozzles point on each device. They can also adjust the nozzles’ tilt to fit the ship’s shape and size. The SC360APR is eco-friendly, working without harmful chemicals or steam.

Also, when you start the pumps, the SC360APR turns on by itself. The nozzles spin all the way around non-stop. The design of the SC 360APR keeps the water from shooting up to push harder down, which is easy to see when setting it up.

In the end, the SC360APR is made to keep the crew, ship, and cargo safe. It’s a harmless way to defend the ship that doesn’t make the attacker angry.

Key Features
  • No need for manual operation.
  • Easy mounting without hot work.
  • Individually adjusted machine length and horizontal position.
  • Removable after use.
  • Grease lubricated drive unit.
  • Adjustable rotating speed.
  • Four nozzles – strike frequency 2-4 seconds.
  • 180° optimized down operation.

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