GDPR Statement

General Data Protection Regulation

Ensuring Data Privacy and Security

Data Privacy Compliance: At our company, we prioritize actively safeguarding data privacy and security. We rigorously comply with all relevant regulations and adhere to best practices concerning gathering, storing, and using data pertaining to our customers and stakeholders.

Data Management Practices: Our data collection practices align with operational necessities. This includes order fulfillment, payment processing, after-sales technical support, and ongoing sales and marketing activities within our customer base. We collect only essential data, maintaining its integrity and confidentiality throughout its lifecycle.

Data Usage and Disclosure

Confidentiality Measures: Data is never disclosed or released to third parties except when strictly necessary for business operations or mandated by competent authorities. We strictly prohibit selling or providing data for marketing purposes to third parties not affiliated with our company or our network of sales and service partners.

Transparent Marketing Communication Approach

Broad Audience Engagement: In terms of marketing communication, we adopt a broad approach targeting our audience as a whole rather than specific individuals. We occasionally send commercial emails to our customers, sales partners, and stakeholders. Additionally, we provide an easy opt-out option for recipients. This ensures transparency and empowers individuals to control their interaction with our marketing efforts.

Website Usage and Privacy Measures

Enhanced User Experience: Regarding our website, we use cookies to enhance functionality and analyze traffic patterns in aggregate. We do not track individual user activities outside our website or collect personally identifiable information unless voluntarily provided through contact forms or feedback mechanisms.

Commitment to Compliance and Transparency

GDPR Compliance Commitment: Moving forward, we remain committed to maintaining GDPR compliance. Any data purchases from external sources will fully comply with regulations. Our focus is on upholding transparency, security, and respect for individual privacy across all aspects of our data management and marketing practices.


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+46 313 387 530



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